Award ceremony for design studio: Besser.Anders.Weniger!
In the fall semester of 2018/19, the Volkswohnung Karlsruhe and the Professorship of Sustainable Construction KIT Karslruhe teamed up and offered a special Bachelor Design Studio called Besser. Anders.Weniger! in order to address the existing lack of affordable urban living space in Karlsruhe. Designs for a socially acceptable redensification is one of the big challenges of these days. Architecture students in their 5th semester at KIT therefore devoted themselves to the question of how good and forward-oriented living can be achieved in the future. The question was how living can be thought BETTER, so that OTHER typological models lead to a rethinking of architectural approaches in urban space, while consuming LESS land, as all designs were asked to be top-up additions to an existing structure in central Karlsruhe. The studio was taught in cooperation with the professorships of Prof. Andreas Wagner and Prof. Matthias Pfeifer as well as Kai Fischer.
A selection of eight of these residential visions was presented at an event on April 16th 2019 at the headquarter of Volkswohnung, attended by Katharina Helleckes, Managing Director Stefan Storz and Mario Rösner.
The student designs and efforts made during the semester were rewarded by Volkswohnung Karlsruhe with a prize money of 3.500 Euro for the students.
Studio organization and teaching: Daniel Lenz and Manuel Rausch
Studio consolidation: Prof. Andreas Wagner, Prof. Matthias Pfeifer, Kai Fischer, Simon Schreiber