Daniela Schneider

M. Sc. of Architecture and Environment, University of Applied Sciences Wismar, 2012
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Architecture, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, 2008
Contact: daniela.schneider@partner.kit.edu
Researcher at the Chair of Sustainable Construction KIT Karlsruhe 2020 – present / Lecturer at University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart, 2017-2020 / Team Lead at EPEA GmbH – Part of Drees & Sommer, Stuttgart, 2019 – present / Project Partner at Drees & Sommer ABT, Stuttgart, 2016-2019 / Project Engineer, Technology Center Sustainable Construction at Ed. Züblin AG, Stuttgart, 2012-2016 / Site Manager and Project Manager at BAM Deutschland AG, Stuttgart, 2008-2012
Daniela Schneider is currently a PhD student at the Chair of Sustainable Construction at KIT Karlsruhe. Her research activities focus on the design of circular constructions and circular joining techniques. She is examining the question which impact have joining techniques on the circularity of building component designs.
She lectures at the WINGS Wismar in the study course architecture and environment with a focus on circular design, planning and construction. Between 2017 and 2020, she was a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart. Previously, she was a guest lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences in Konstanz and at the University of Stuttgart.
Currently she is a team leader of the Cradle to Cradle real estate team at EPEA GmbH in Stuttgart. She develops material and recycling concepts for circularity buildings. Her focus is on creating healthy and waste-free building structures. She practices architecture with a focus on minimalist, resource-friendly and separable building methods, materials and constructions.
Daniela Schneider is a member of the “Disassembling and Recyclability” expert group of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). As an auditor for the German Sustainable Building Council, she accompanies building certifications and serves on the advisory board for circular construction.
Daniela Schneider is co-author of the publication “Urban Mining and Circular Construction” (2020, ed. Dirk E. Hebel and Felix Heisel). She elaborated keywords for circular construction for the Ecological Building Materials Dictionary (2018, ed. Wolfgang Linden and Iris Marquardt). A further publication is “Cradle to Cradle inspired smart cities” in the publication “Smart Cities” (2020, ed. Chirine Etezadzadeh).