Exhibition Opening “WENIGER. ANDERS. BESSER!”

The existing lack of affordable urban housing also concerns Karlsruhe. Socially acceptable densification is therefore one of the great challenges of these days.
Architecture students in their 5th semester at KIT therefore devoted themselves to the question of how good and forward-oriented living can be achieved in the future. The question was how living can be thought BETTER, so that OTHER typological models lead to a rethinking of architectural approaches in urban space, while consuming LESS land, as all designs were asked to be top-up additions to an existing structure in central Karlsruhe.
Ten of those design proposals are shown in the exhibition in Architekturschaufenster Karlsruhe, Waldstraße 8, 76133 Karlsruhe. The exhibition is a collaboration of KIT Chair of sustainable Building, Volkswohnung Karsruhe and Architekturschaufenster.
The opening takes place on Tuesday, May 21st, 19:00 h