Master Design Studio: HIRZBERG+
Micro-Multifunctional Room for a Kindergarten in Freiburg

The ‘Haus für Kinder am Hirzberg’ in Freiburg is characterised by its proximity to nature, built structures that have grown over time and space and an open room concept. In two existing buildings on a slope, which are connected by an intermediate building for access, the educational work of the team takes place in a homely atmosphere on different levels and always in close relation to the outdoors. The existing structure is complemented by a courtyard for the children to play in, which is protected by a small wooden tool shed facing the valley.
The kindergarten is now to be extended on its own site with a micro-multifunctional space, which is the focus of the semester assignment and which will subsequently be realised in cooperation with an architectural office based in Freiburg. The room will serve as a common and study room for staff as well as a room for curative education programmes and parent meetings. As the site is located within the “Roßkopf-Schloßberg” landscape conservation area, the preservation of the surrounding trees and copses as well as the protected wetland complex is an important design requirement. Particular importance is also attached to the spatial relationship between the existing buildings on the Hirzberg slope and the new spatial structure that is being created towards the valley, which should fit into the local landscape and provide a cosy atmosphere for the kindergarten staff.
The design is aiming for a detailed examination of the resulting environmental effects, building economics, structural engineering and building physics issues, as well as the use of resource-friendly, pure building materials such as renewable and secondary building materials, sustainable, circular construction methods and their design-related effects on function and aesthetics with planning up to a scale of 1:1.
Supervised by: Elena Boerman
First Meeting: 24.10.2024, 09.30 am (Bldg. 20.40, R 208)
Excursion: 15.11.2024, Freiburg
Pin-Up: 11.12.2024
Submission: 19.02.2025
Presentation: 21.02.2025
Form: Teamwork