New team members and research collaborators on board
As of May 15th, Dr. Mateusz Wielopolski as a Post-Doc researcher and Karsten Schlesier as an external advisor joined the research team of CoReSing in Singapore. Both are active in the composite bamboo research and investigate chemical, physical as well as mechanical material properties. Mateusz Wielopolski has received his PhD in Chemistry in Germany at the University of Erlangen. His background in physical chemical and materials sciences has led him through researcher positions in the UK, Japan, Germany and Switzerland. Thereby, his expertise is found in the development and analysis of new materials. In this field he has contributed to more than 20 peer-reviewed journal publications and books. Karsten Schlesier graduated in Civil Engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT. As a structural engineer his research activities are focused on non-standardized and alternative construction materials, realizing various prototypical structures in Germany and Ethiopia over the last years. Also, Dr. Dragan Griebel from CoReSings research partner REHAU had his first extended research stay at the Advanced Fiber Composite Laboratory AFCL setting up first test series and establishing production standards.
Photo credits: FCL Singapore