Research Seminar Master: Future-oriented Building Materials
A Research Seminar of the KIT Material Library

The KIT Materials Library of the Faculty of Architecture offers an extensive collection of materials that, in addition to conventional building materials, focuses on building materials made from secondary raw materials, alternative biotic raw materials and recyclable building materials.
Addressing such material focal points of sustainable construction makes future generations of architects understand the value of varietal purity, the necessity of using secondary materials and the preservation of value when reused or recycled.
In the research seminar Future-oriented Building Materials, Master’s students gain a detailed insight into this class of innovative, endlessly recyclable building materials. The independent scientific research work of the students is at the heart of the seminar work. The students are involved in the selection of the materials to be described and are explicitly called upon to adopt a critical stance. The final aim of the seminar is to present innovative, sustainable materials for the construction industry using detailed data sheets and prepared physical material samples as part of an exhibition in the materials library. Students are thus actively involved in the further development of the materials database and the collection of the materials library. The seminar is accompanied by individual supervision, work in the study workshops and joint discussion rounds in the materials library.
Supervised by: Sandra Böhm, Elena Boerman
Date: Tuesdays 11.30-13.00
Location: KIT Material Library, 20.40, Room 141
1st meeting: 16.04.2024
Exam: 16.07.2024