Spring Semester 2016: Ressource Stadt – Building for Disassembly
We are planning 140 new apartments together with the Gemeinnützigen Bau- und Mietergenossenschaft Zürich (GBMZ) in District 4 in Zurich. We design our buildings according to the principle of „building for disassembly“ in order to allow not only their construction but also the complete dismantling and hence the genuine reusability of all materials.
Natural resources for the production of buildings are becoming increasingly scarce – this is true even for supposedly abundant materials such as sand and gravel for concrete production. At the same time, many potential resources have piled up for centuries in our cities in the form of buildings. While traditional sources of raw materials are gradually depleting, our cities can turn into the mines on the future. Cities are simultaneously consumers and suppliers of resources and use themselves for their own reproduction.
Today, buildings are rarely seen as temporary material storage in the city. The dismantling and subsequent recycling of materials used are only in the rarest of all cases an integral part of planning. And even where the demolition is planned specifically, a resource-oriented realization too often fails due to non-recyclable products and unsuitable jointing techniques.
In close collaboration with Werner Sobek and the Institut für Leichtbau Entwerfen und Konstruieren (ILEK) at the Technical University of Stuttgart, we will develop an architectural and constructional approach ranging from urban issues to the formulation of innovative jointing techniques in full scale. The architectural design should be a relevant contribution to a future-oriented building culture in Europe, which adresses the social and resource-related situation of our generation. The semester task represents a real construction project, which will be implemented by the GBMZ in the coming years. The cooperative will accompany the semester.
We strongly recommend the seminar week “Zukunft des Bauens” (future of construction) to all interested students.
The created designs include material-specific, architectural and structural studies, drawings and models.
The chair offers the integrated discipline Construction. We additionally try to provide an integrated discipline on Life Cycle Assessment in cooperation with EMPA.
Asst. Prof. Dirk E. Hebel
Patrick Chladek, Amélie Fibicher, Felix Heisel, Philippe Jorisch, Hans-Christian Rufer, Marta H. Wisniewska