Summer School Rearranging Spazio Punch
24.09.023 – 01.10.2023
Workshop week as part of the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice
Take advantage of this great opportunity not only to experience Venice and the Architecture Biennale, but also to expand your network, meet international students and architects and develop your creative skills.
In cooperation with KOEN Institute of TU Graz and Baukreisel e.V. (Collective for Transformation and Design) Supervised by: Barbara Gruber, Jonas Läufer
Participants: 10 persons (TU Graz) + 10 persons (KIT)
Costs: € 200 (including accommodation, entrance fees and documentation, individual travel)
Accommodation: Laboratori occupato Morion, Calle de Morino
Registration by mail:
INFO MEETING FOR THE WORKSHOP: 20.07.2023 in the left inner courtyard of the faculty.

The German contribution to this year’s 18th Architecture Biennale 2023 is dedicated to the themes of care, maintenance and repair entitled “Open for Maintanance_Wegen Umbau geschlossen”. This year, the German Pavilion is transforming into a productive infrastructure that promotes the principles of circular construction as well as the social responsibility of architecture. It serves to collect, catalogue, provide and process used materials from the previous Art Biennale. A workshop set up in the German Pavilion forms the working environment for various Venetian and international initiatives and universities that work with interventions to preserve and maintain socio-spatial structures on site.
Together with the KOEN Institute, the Graz University of Technology and the Baukreisel Association (Collective for Transformation and Design), we are organising a workshop week as part of the 1:1 Maintenance Programme to plan and implement an intervention. Together with the Venetian cooperative Spazio Punch, whose alternative exhibition space and creative meeting place is located on the island of Giudecca, we will design and maintain the place with small repairs and additions. We will have a fully equipped workshop and materials store at our service in the German Pavilion at the Biennale site.
The material collected from contributions to the past Art Biennale as well as the material stocks of Spazio Punch serve as a basis. The intention is to work on the existing material with small interventions and to create new details.
One of the many networks initiated by the curatorial team of the German Pavilion is the cooperation with Laboratori occupato Morion. They are making their building, not far from the Giardini, available to all participants as group accommodation.