Elena Boerman

M.Sc of Architecture, KIT, Karlsruhe, 2021
Contact: elena.boerman@kit.edu
Teaching Assistant and Researcher at the Chair of Sustainable Construction KIT Karlsruhe 2021 – present / Student Assistant at the Chair of Sustainable Construction KIT Karlsruhe 2020-2021 / M.Sc. Architecture, KIT, Karlsruhe 2018-2021 / AAg LoebnerSchäferWeber Freie Architekten BDA, Heidelberg, 2018-2021 / Schenk & Fleischhaker Architekten, Hamburg, 2017-2018 / B.Sc. Architecture, KIT, Karlsruhe, 2014-2017
Elena Boerman is currently working as a teaching assistant and researcher at the Chair of Sustainable Construction at KIT Karlsruhe. She holds a Master and Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT).
In her master’s thesis, she dealt with the urban spaces and architectures of post-war modernism and their contemporary and sustainable transformation. She showed both urban planning and architectural strategies for making the treatment of the existing the starting point for the architecture of tomorrow. For her master’s thesis with the title „The Value of an Architecture of Permanence – The Climate and Resource Appropriate Transformation of the Architectural Heritage of Post War Modernism“ she won recognition of the Friedrich-Weinbrenner-Prize 2021.